neděle 24. března 2013

4. dil - "Vintage Duckling"

Cely tyden, mozna uz neco pres tyden, jsem se neozvala. To proto, ze mam furu prace se statnicemi, abych konecne byla ten "blbec".

I didnt post anything whole week, maybe a little bit over the week. It is therefore my bachelors final exams to be the Bc finally.

Za tu dobu jsem udelala dva projekty. Dnes vam ukazu platno, ktere je naplni jiz 4. dilu Mixed Media Art. Kacenka ve vintage stylu se primo hodi jako velikonocni dekorace.

During that time I have done two projects. Today I will show you  a canvas with sweet vintage duckling, which is main theme of my 4th episode Mixed Media Art serial. The duckling is perfect as an easter decoration.

Vase OriginalTina
Yours OriginalTina

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